Random Movie Day 6: Catching Up


Random Movie Day

Random Movie Day

I have so many TV shows that I keep up with (I would tell you how many but the number might frighten some of you) that I have been falling behind on my movie watching. The only movie I have had a chance to see in the theater since the summer was ’47 Ronin’. That was a very pretty movie; well shot and choreographed. I would say check it out if those movies are for you.

With ’47 Ronin’ aside there are a ton of movies I need/want to see. So I went to the local video store (yes they do still exist) and rented a few that caught my eye. And by few I rented 8… the other two I watched On Demand. I didn’t watch all ten in one day, just six of them. Two I had watched a few days prior and the other two I watched the next day after the marathon session.

Here are those 10 films and my thoughts:



Lords of Salem: The Review

By Scuzz


The Lords of Salem Poster

The Lords of Salem Poster

A coven of witches of Salem will have their day!! Also their naked time…



By Scuzz


Trance Poster

Trance Poster

Art auction galleries have lots of rules and security measures. Best way to get a piece of valuable art? Inside job!


G.I. Joe: Retaliation

By Scuzz


Snake Eyes' G.I. Joe: Retaliation Poster

Snake Eyes’ G.I. Joe: Retaliation Poster

The next installment of the G.I. Joe series. YO JOE!!!


Love: A Tragedy


Neil Patrick Harris & Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Neil Patrick Harris & Joseph Gordon-Levitt

This was born from Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s collaborative production company HitRECord. A fantastic place for creative people to go and help other creative people make creative things. From films to music to art the possibilities are endless.


What Is Reality Anyway?




I recorded NBC’s new show ‘Siberia’ Monday because I’ve been a bit busy and, let’s face it, I record everything and rarely watch TV live anymore. So last night I sat down to watch a few of the shows I had DVR’d. I heard about ‘Siberia’ and had seen a few promos for it. The show had me intrigued so I decided to give it a shot.


My Take on ‘Man of Steel’


Man of Steel Symbol

Man of Steel Symbol

After watching the movie I took to Twitter and announced “Really don’t know how to feel about @ManofSteelMovie. I will have to think on this.” I spent the evening thinking about the movie and I have come to this conclusion: I still don’t know what to think. So I am just going to start writing about ‘Man of Steel’ and see if I can figure out how I feel about it.

BTW…. There will be spoilers… You have been warned… (more…)

Random Movie Day 5: Smith-A-Thon

Random Movie Day

Random Movie Day


Because the weather has been crappy so much of this spring, I’ve been stuck inside lots and lots. With all this indoor time on my hands, and having cleaned my house more than I have in the last year, I have watched a lot of movies.

Over the weekend it rained and rained and rained once again, so I flipped on the TV and what happened to be just starting? Mallrats. That one movie spawned a themed movie marathon to pass the day. I am a huge fan of Kevin Smith. I have loved everything he has put out. He inspires me and entertains me. Some even say I look like him.

This was a good day. I enjoyed this day. I will share this day with you.



TLI and AM on JKL


Alanis Morissette & The Lonely Island on 'Jimmy Kimmel Live'

Alanis Morissette & The Lonely Island on ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live’

The Lonely Island has a new album coming out next week, and in promotion for said album they went on Jimmy Kimmel Live with a little help from Alanis. I love the Lonely Island guys. They are brilliant and this new song is great. Here is that performance from JKL. Please enjoy!!






Random Movie Day 4: Month of Movies

Going to the Movies!

Going to the Movies!


The start of the big summer blockbuster movie season is in full swing. It’s when the budgets are blown up more times than New York has been invaded on screen. It’s a great time to grab a giant bucket of popcorn and a super-sized soda, sit back, suspend disbelief and enjoy all the explosions, one-liners and CGI.

I’ve seen a few of the early big budget movies offered up by Hollywood in this first month of the season. I will tell you about them in the order I saw them.

Here we go!
