Drew: The Man Behind the Poster

Drew: The Man Behind the Poster

Drew: The Man Behind the Poster

With movie posters you see them, but you take them for granted. For most people they are there for the sole purpose of telling you what movie is playing at the local cinema; which is sad. Some movie posters are beautiful works of art. And there is one man who has taken that art form to a whole different level.


The Swell Season




If you aren’t familiar with this folk rock awesomness you should be. The Irishman with the powerful voice, Glen Hansard, and the piano playing Czech with the angelic voice, Markéta Irglová, form this award winning duo. The have a wonderful sound and they are one of my all-time favorites. The Swell Season have several wonderful songs (Into The Mystic, Low Rising, Lies, Feeling the Pull, When Your Minds Made Up… to name a few) but their most famous song by far is ‘Falling Slowly’. (more…)




It’s October and the baseball post season is nearly upon us once again. In honor of that here is a great little documentary on one of the single most frustrating things in all of baseball; The knuckleball. It is a thing of beauty if done properly… but when it goes bad, it REALLY goes bad. If you love baseball you will really enjoy this. Even if you have a passing fancy with the game you should give this a look.





Nerdmasses Unite!



I am a firm believer in all things nerdy. This is one of those things that I believe in wholeheartedly. I have been a fan of D&D for many years. I love the togetherness and comradery of the game. For me it was a chance for my closest friends and me to get together each week, catch up with each other and ultimately have fun enjoying each other’s company…. Oh yeah, and we got to pretend we were great warriors, master thieves, powerful wizards or accident prone dwarves! The wonderful stories we would weave while inhabiting those characters was priceless. There came a point where we actually had an audience for our weekly games. 10 to 15 people would cram into our apartment on a weekly basis, sit quietly and watch us become these characters. It was and will always be some of my favorite memories.


What this Kickstarter project is trying to give the world is a look at the genesis of what now is a major part of everyone’s daily lives in some way, shape or form. ‘Dungeons & Dragons: A Documentary’ tells the story of D&D from its humble beginnings in the mind of Gary Gygax to the world wide phenom it has become today.


We need this out in the world!


Please visit the Kickstarter page for ‘Dungeons & Dragons: A Documentary’ and consider throwing a couple bucks their way. You will not only get the fantastic gifts promised for each level of monetary commitment but you will also get the satisfaction of knowing you helped an artist achieve their dreams. Plus we will have a visual history of something that we all love.


(I am in no way affiliated with the making of this movie, I am just a big fan of supporting things that I love and believe in.)





5 Or More… Football Movies



It’s that time of the year when you have to ask yourself; Are you ready for some football? My answer is always, unequivocally, YES! I love the game of football. During the football season I immerse myself in all things pigskin. I have DIRECTV so I can have NFL Sunday Ticket (and because I live in the middle of nowhere, but I do like it better than the other one.) I watch as many games per week as I can, I follow stats, I have several Fantasy Football teams (Reigning champion in a couple different leagues!) and I talk about the gridiron as often as I can. So yeah, I kinda like the game,  it makes sense I enjoy movies about this great sport. I am a sucker for sports movies in general and eat up any film that has football at its center.




Here is a list, in no particular order, of my favorite Football Movies.





For a thousand years the sole occupation for the country of Japan was perfecting the art of war. The warrior who personified that perfection was the Samurai. Of those millions of Samurai there is one that stands above and beyond all others… one man who literally wrote the book on how to be and what it is to be a Samurai; Miyamoto Musashi. He was a man, who at the age of 13, in 1596 killed his first man. He was a man who was never defeated in one on one combat. A man, who was in an occupation that a 30 year old would be considered ancient, he died at the age of 61.


This documentary, that debuted on the History Channel in 2010, follows Mark Dacascos (Yes, that Mark Dacascos, the ‘Chairman’ from Iron Chef America) on a journey around Japan. He follows in the footsteps of Miyamoto Musashi to try and find the spirit of the Samurai and discover the man who wrote “The Book of Five Rings”, which contain the sacred teachings of Musashi.


‘Samurai” is endlessly fascinating and worth watching if you have any interest in Samurai or Japanese culture. It is well made and deftly executed. I know I was enthralled when I first saw it two years ago and was still spellbound re-watching it recently.


Below you will find the documentary in its entirety. Take the time and watch it.