Please Help Save My Home

familyguyHere’s a bit of history. Two years ago I was released from my job. It was a big blow for me, as it would be for anyone. The ‘what am I gonna do now’ question was on repeat in my head. Like most people I came home and immediately started applying for new jobs while I also applied for unemployment benefits.

One week goes by. No word from anywhere. Two weeks go by; still no word. Now a month and nothing. I finally got ahold of the unemployment office and they told me they were short handed and everything was taking longer than usual. Fine, I get that. It happens. I continued to spend my meager savings and using my credit cards to pay my bills. (I know, stupid right?)

Nearly two months have gone by with zero job interviews and still no word from unemployment when I finally got a monetary determination letter from the unemployment office; I was denied. I went straight to my computer, filed an appeal, and waited. 3 weeks later my appeal was heard; the denial was upheld.

So just over 3 months after I was released from my job I went from relatively debt free, save for my mortgage and my monthly bills, to maxed out credit cards, facing the first missed mortgage payment, no job prospects, and my lifelong battle with depression was being lost. I was spiraling down a long dark path. On top of all this my father started to lose his battle with cancer.

There was a small light. I found a job. It didn’t pay well and the hours weren’t guaranteed, but it was a job. It wasn’t just that I was desperate for work, but I also wasn’t able to apply for different types of job I had done in the past. I’ve had back issues for many years which I have since found out were being cause by scoliosis. I’m not able to stand for extended periods of time, or walk long distances. All that had made me gain weight. Which all in turn fuels my crippling depression.

To compound that depression, my father lost his epic fight with leukemia two days after Christmas last year. So nearly a year into this journey of losing my job, being deep in debt, and getting a new job that pays nearly 3 times less, the hero of my life is gone. I spiraled, hard. I would leave the house for work and nothing else. My fantastic friends would try and engage me, and I would barely; it was all a mask. I was at the bottom of a very dark hole with ropes all around me. There were notes attached to those ropes from friends and family telling me to just grab one but I couldn’t wrap my fingers around anything.

Life continued this way till early summer. Then another hit came. While at work I was twisting to get in and out of a vehicle I didn’t quite fit into and my back completely went out. It started to spasm and didn’t stop for nearly 3 weeks. I filed a workman’s comp claim along with a supplemental insurance (the only insurance I was able to afford to get) claim. Both were denied. Then work slowed to a crawl. I continued to apply for other jobs with no luck. I applied for unemployment and actually received it this time but it barely covered my mortgage.

That’s when the garnishments came. Remember those credit cards from earlier, yeah, the credit card companies don’t like it when you can only pay a third of the minimum payment so they send those to collections. They froze a chunk of money in my checking account which made my mortgage check bounce along with a couple of other bills. The financial hole I was trying to dig out of just had a cave in.

All this brings me to my current situation and why I need your help. I am nearly 3 months behind on my mortgage which is close to the foreclosure point. I have exhausted my unemployment and I don’t have an extension option, my family has helped me as much as they can, and I still am not having any luck finding a new job.

Please help me keep my home. I don’t want to be homeless. If you can’t donate, please share this and maybe someone you know can lend a helping hand. Anything will help.

Thank you for your time.

Donations Are Welcome

Donate Button with Credit Cards I just put a donations button on the website. If you like the stuff you see here and want it to continue please feel free to send a few bucks my way. It will be greatly appreciated and will help me to continue doing what I do!



Saying Goodbye Is Never An Easy Thing To Do



I had a pretty rough weekend. (more…)

Craig Ferguson



I have always loved this guy. He has a great sense of humor and that “I don’t give a sh*t” attitude…. He has an ease about him that is very inviting. He plays up the creepy old man shtick with a nice knowing wink to the audience. I am a fan… A big fan.


Then last night he earned my total respect. He had taped his show the day before, like many shows do, and in his monologue he of course was talking about the big movie release of the week; The Dark Knight Rises. Because of the senseless tragedy that happened at the theater in Aurora, Mr. Ferguson took it upon himself to nix the original opening and monologue and replaced it with a heartfelt soliloquy. He put his heart on his sleeve and reached out to those who have been affected by this atrocity.


Craig Ferguson you have had a fan in me for some time but you now have a deeply devoted fan for life. You sir are a true class act and should be commended for your actions. Thank you.





Higlander is Getting a Reboot.. But…..



The idea of Highlander being rebooted/reimagined has been kicking around Hollywood for some time now. The powers that be, in this case Lionsgate, have now officially green lit the project. They have signed on Juan Carlos Fresnadillo (28 Weeks Later, Intruders) to sit in the director’s chair. They have tasked Art Marcum, Matt Holloway (Iron Man) and Melissa Rosenberg (Twilight: Breaking Dawn) to pen the new venture. But the big question is: Who will don the kilt and be Connor MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod? The powers answer to this question….


Ryan Reynolds…. SCHWAAAA?


Don’t get me wrong. I like Ryan. He seems like a loveable guy. He is charming, witty and undeniably a good looking dude… but for this role… I am skeptical. And the last time I was this skeptical about him being cast in something, Green Lantern happened. He was ok, but he was not the right choice for Hal Jordan and I really question him as the choice for Connor MacLeod.


Kevin McKidd would make a fantastic Highlander… mostly because he is one… Not a mythical human who fights for ‘The Prize’ but no, an actual Scotsman. I would love to see him play that role. But it doesn’t look like that will happen. It should… but it won’t.


Now what does this mean for Deadpool, the role that Ryan is actually right for? From what I have read, it doesn’t look good for the snarky superhero. Not good at all. This is sad; because when I heard they were making that movie I was excited. Now the likelihood of Deadpool seeing the light of day is slim to none and I think I see slim buying a train ticket for a different destination.



Avengers (fans) Assembled!



Apparently I was the only one who didn’t go out and see The Avengers this weekend. It started out with a strong midnight showing and then it was like the Juggernaut bitch, gaining momentum until it shattered Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2’s previous record of $169.2 million. When the dust settled, The Avengers had set the new three day opening record; $200.3 million! Now the top ten in that category, according to Box Office Mojo, looks like this:

The Avengers, $200.3 million
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, $169.2 million
The Dark Knight, $158.4 million
The Hunger Games, $152.5 million
Spider-Man 3, $151.1 million
The Twilight Saga: New Moon, $142.8 million
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn—Part 1, $138.1 million
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest, $135.6 million
Iron Man 2, $128.1 million
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1, $125 million

And even better, after just over a week in worldwide release, it has grossed a smashing $641.8 million. With that said, dear friends, let up push this to the ultimate top. Let’s make this the highest grossing film of all time. Let us put Joss at the top of that list!! I will be doing my part this week sometime and you should too!



Happy Star Wars Day!



This is one of the big days on the Nerd calender. It is of course May the 4th! A day to settle in and watch one of our favorite movie franchises, do some Cosplay or just gather with some friends at a ‘Cantina’. However you choose to celebrate just remember:


May the Fourth be with you… Always.





Today is a Special Day…



On this day, many moons ago, my sinister looking cohort sprung forth from his biological prison that had held him for as long as it could.


In celebration of that auspicious day, we raise our glasses of Ireland’s finest, sing a joyous Gaelic ditty and toast the man, the myth, the legend that is Scuzz.


Happy Birthday my friend. Know that you are and will always be loved.



It’s A Bouncing Baby……



Adding to the diversity of TAMN web world, I am happy to announce the creation of ”The Rec Room’. In this section of The Average Movie Nerd ‘verse, you will be able to find trailers, reviews and other assorted information about different video games that are out there or will be out there. To add to the fun, there will also be some analog input into ‘The Rec Room’ with looks at different board games that we enjoy.

I will post the first video game review later today. Thanks to my partner in crime, Scuzz, for being the video game guy and contributing to the creation of ‘The Rec Room’!!!



Music Monday



When I say all things media I mean it. I want to be able to share my thoughts on all I see and hear. Thus Music Mondays is born. Every Monday I am going to try to post a video of a new song I heard and like or an old favorite that may be stuck in my head. There may be music posts thrown up on the site on days other than Monday too. So keep an eye and ear out!!