Oz: The Great and Powerful



Nerdvana is going on this week… That of course is San Diego Comic-Con. Many, many, many movie trailers will make their debut at this mecca for all things obsessable. This one I had been waiting to see. Directed by Sam Raimi and starring James Franco as the man who becomes the Great and Powerful one, the beautiful and talented Michelle Williams as Glinda, The equally talented and beautiful Mila Kunis as Theodora and a threefer in the beautiful and talented department with Rachel Weisz as Evanora.


I like the shout out to the original masterwork with the black and white into color. I also really dig the changing of the aspect ratio in the trailer… It’s a nice touch. Be it in B&W or color, the movie looks fairly epic in its scope and digitally pretty……. But…. I am just not the biggest fan of a fully digital world like this. It is one of the reason I disliked ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ and why I had no desire to see ‘Alice in Wonderland’. I will give this movie a shot because of who is directing it but I don’t have too many expectations going into it. It doesn’t come out till next spring, so it has time to win me over.





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