Damn Yankees




In 1989 Tommy Shaw from Styx, Jack Blades from Night Ranger, Ted Nugent from, well, being Uncle Teddy, and (at the time) little known drummer Michael Cartellone (he of course join the legendary band Lynyrd Skynyrd) got together and formed the supergroup Damn Yankees; and high school dances in the early 90’s would forever be changed. Their self-titled first album went double-platinum and produced four Billboard Rock top 10 hits. Their sophomore effort didn’t fare as well. Granted it went gold and had three songs that hit the top 10 but general was much less popular than their first go around. Despite having a song use in the Jean-Claude Van Damme “classic” ‘Nowhere to Run’.

Damn Yankees

Damn Yankees

Why you may ask is Damn Yankees being featured today on Music Monday? Fair question. The answer is twofold. First fold; it is prom season and one of the songs to follow is a prom staple for me. The second fold; another one of their songs has been stuck in my head for DAYS… it needs to get out. So, ladies and gents, enjoy some 90’s hair rock.




5 Or More… Guilty Pleasures



We all have them; a movie we always have to watch, a song we always turn up and sing a little louder to, a TV show that we indulge in whenever we can… Whatever it may be, we love out guilty pleasures. And we shouldn’t be embarrassed by what we like. We should relish in it. We should wear our guilty pleasures on our chest like a badge of honor. Embrace what you like and forget what others may think; because I assure you, they have a guilty pleasure or two in their closet.


To not be a hypocrite I am going to air my guilty pleasure laundry for all the world to see. Why? Because I don’t care who knows or what they think! I am proud to like what I like and I will tell you why I like what I like… Like for sure… like totally… like… Like… Ok, got stuck in a valley girl loop there, sorry about that…




Here is a list, in no particular order, of my favorite Guilty Pleasures.

