Evil Dead (2013)



You know the story. You love the original. You question the validity of this remake. You scoff at the idea of touching a part of horror nerd history… hell the original is in the pantheon. I had the same thoughts as well. And you all know how many times I have lamented about remakes/reimagines. But this is co-written by Sam Raimi and was given the stamp of approval by THEE man himself, God amongst mortal acting men, Bruce Campbell. If it is good enough for Ash it is good enough for me. One other plus side note to this, it has the VERY talented and VERY beautiful Jane Levy (Suburgatory). At least for me Jane Levy is a big bonus reason to see this.


(This is a very stern warning. This is the RED BAND TRAILER and thus it is VERY NSFW. Nor is it for the faint of heart. This trailer is very graphic. You have been warned)





5 Or More… Bruce Campbell

The Man... Bruce Campbell

The Man… Bruce Campbell

When I think of ‘cool’ some of the names that pop into my head are: Frank Sinatra, George Clooney, Don Cheadle, Clark Gable, Cary Grant, James Dean, Sean Connery… But the first name that flashes in my head is always Bruce Campbell. The man is just cool. He has leading man good looks and comedic timing that is second to none.  I wrote a screenplay and one of the characters I wrote specifically for the man, the myth, the legend that is Bruce Campbell.

Born and raised in Michigan he met a trio of brothers in high school who cemented his fate.  Sam Raimi, Ivan Raimi and Ted Raimi assimilated Bruce, along with other friends in the neighborhood, and they made tons of super-8 films. From those shorts he honed his sardonic wit, unflappable bravado and dead-pan delivery. All that helped him become the greatest B-movie actor of all time.

I hope to work with this man someday. I wrote a movie that has a part written just for him. Someday…. Someday.


Here is a list, in no particular order, of my favorite Bruce Campbell roles.


5 Or More… Guilty Pleasures



We all have them; a movie we always have to watch, a song we always turn up and sing a little louder to, a TV show that we indulge in whenever we can… Whatever it may be, we love out guilty pleasures. And we shouldn’t be embarrassed by what we like. We should relish in it. We should wear our guilty pleasures on our chest like a badge of honor. Embrace what you like and forget what others may think; because I assure you, they have a guilty pleasure or two in their closet.


To not be a hypocrite I am going to air my guilty pleasure laundry for all the world to see. Why? Because I don’t care who knows or what they think! I am proud to like what I like and I will tell you why I like what I like… Like for sure… like totally… like… Like… Ok, got stuck in a valley girl loop there, sorry about that…




Here is a list, in no particular order, of my favorite Guilty Pleasures.

