Zac Brown Band




These guys have been putting out consistently good music for the last, what is it now, 5 years… Always topping the charts, playing sold out venues, winning awards and having a good time doing it. I love these guys. They’re group of guys who I wouldn’t mind hanging out with on a Saturday night around a bonfire somewhere. A few drinks, a few laughs, someone pulls out an acoustic guitar and we all join in singing some favorites. That would be a damn fine time.

Zac Brown Band

Zac Brown Band


Maybe someday I will get to do that, but for now I will go there in my mind as I listen to a few of my favorite ZBB songs. Sit back and enjoy them with me!





This song right here, if I close my eyes, will always take me away to a tropical place. What a great feeling and what a great song.




Whatever It Is

There are several songs out there that I wish I had written. This happens to be one of them. We all know this feeling. We have all felt this feeling. It took ZBB to put it into words. Beat me too it. Love the video as well… Mostly because it has the enormously talented and stunningly beautiful Emmanuelle Chriqui. She really has whatever ‘It’ is.




Keep Me in Mind

In 2011 this song followed me wherever I went. Every time I got in my vehicle this song would play. I’m not complaining, but it will get stuck in my head. I could think of worse songs to have on a loop in my head.




Knee Deep

This song is a perfect collaboration of talent; ZBB and Jimmy Buffett. From the first time I heard the boys sing ‘Chicken Fried’ I said to myself “underneath it all, they really have an islands/Jimmy Buffett feel to them”. One of the best episodes of the CMT’s ‘Crossroads’ was these two singing together. It is just right in so many ways.




Colder Weather

Not something I want to think about just as the weather is getting nicer out, but damn it, this is a fantastic song. I can’t say it enough these guys are awesome.




This song reminds me of the fantastic Dave Loggins hit ‘Please Come to Boston’. Similar sentiment and same feel to it for me but each very much their own and different. I love them equally.




The Wind

Seriously, who doesn’t love a band who has an animated music video? And even better it is directed Mike Judge. Long live Robo Redneck!




Goodbye in Her Eyes

This is a really hard song to sing. Zac Brown does it effortlessly. What a talent. What a great song.




No Hurry

Another great song to throw on and forget about life for a while. ZBB does a great job of transporting you to a very specific time and/or place with their music. They help you leave behind everything and be somewhere else for 4 minutes.




Highway 20 Ride

Country music has a history of dealing with the tougher subjects in life; loss, divorce, cheating etc… Some, admittedly as a fan of the genre, are pretty self-serving but there are others that are brilliant. This is one of those brilliant ones. As with all their other songs dealing with the darker side of life, you can feel what they felt. They put into words what you are feeling or have felt. They have the gift of being able to collectively share their emotions with anyone and everyone who listens to their music. I love these guys.





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